Hello my loves and happy 2020!
Even typing that out right now sounds weird. How is it even possible we are in a new decade? Time really does fly I suppose.
A new year for most people means a chance to start over. A clean slate to try and achieve their goals. An opportunity to make this year better than the last. Starting from day 1.
So a new decade must mean the slate is really clean right?
New decade, new you....right?
Kind of.
A new year (or decade in this case) does not mean you have to reinvent the wheel to get to YOU 2.0.
You have been amazing from day 1.
Everything you need and the person you truly are is there- hidden behind all of the assumptions, stereotypes, bad relationships, societal pressures- you are there. And you are incredible.
Take this new decade as an opportunity. Don't look at it as trying to change yourself or become a new person, but as a chance to discover who you really are.
And if that scares you? Hey me too.
But I want you to know, time is arbitrary. There are no deadlines and you do you. Goals can be accomplished at any age or stage so don't feel bad if you aren't engaged and almost all of your Instagram feed is (because hey that's why I joined TikTok. It makes no sense but it doesn't make me feel bad for not being at a certain point in my life yet). You shouldn't be setting goals to check off a list and say you did it. Think of life more like a circle - set a goal, go for it, fail a few times, GET UP AND TRY AGAIN, and keep going.
A while back I asked if anyone on my Instagram feed had their word for 2020. Most people responded with, "word? what's a word?".
The idea is you pick a focus word for the year. Some people pick a new one each month, others pick two for the year. It's up to you. Essentially, you pick a word and you route your goals/ambitions to this word.
This year I picked two words. One to kick off the decade, the other for this year specifically.
discover: to find something or someone unexpectedly, or in the course of a search.
trust: a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.
These words are going to help me with my goals, in moments of doubt, and really keep me aligned with who I am and who I want to become.
Want to pick a word and haven't yet?? It's not to late (b/c time is arbitrary!!!!) Head on over to my Instagram stories where you can see a list of words I created when brainstorming for my 2020 word!
Wishing you all the happiest start to the decade and I'm looking forward to cheering you on as you set out to discover who you are.

Much love always,