I've been a little MIA recently but here is what I have been up to the past week or so:
Last Friday I saw Kings of America, a new play by Sean Patrick Nill, at Sacramento Theatre Company. The play is about a teenager-who through reoccurring dreams about the presidents- deals with the loss of his father. I thoroughly enjoyed the show and it had changed a decent amount since I had last seen it during tech. One of the themes that really stuck with me was the idea of legacy and how presidents (or frankly anyone) can be remembered by a sole event whether it be good or bad. Another question it raised for me was the idea of who is considered a citizen in America society. There was a line in the show almost dismissing Noah as irrelevant because he was not of voting age. I had never really thought about how frequently we dismiss kid's opinions and how frustrating it must make them feel.
I went on a Target run on Saturday with my roommate Erika and bought a cute dress and a new coffee mug (featured a many of times on my snap story). On Saturday night I saw the Kings of New York Cabaret at Sacramento Theatre Company, which was so good and featured many of my musical theatre favorites (including Kings of NY).
This week I've been spending a lot time at Annie rehearsals because we are moving into tech this week and then opening a few days after Thanksgiving. I've also been spending a lot of time working in the props shop because our props master has gone to another contract so myself and the other intern (with a lot of help from the scene shop) are picking up where she left off.
Now anyone who knows me knows that when I am a prop master I tend to be more of a shopper/buyer/puller. My scenery practicum consisted of being an assistant props master and then a props master on the MainStage. All that to say, power tools scare me and I've never really built much when it comes to props. I also could have sworn I would never do props again post-grad because they stress me out and I've never been super confident as a props master.
We are working on Christmas Carol and I have been making so many different things! I wrapped Christmas presents, filled apple baskets to look full (with not that many apples), made soap out of foam, made apple sauce out of foam, built IKEA benches, and REUPHOLSTERED A CHAIR.
So granted it wasn't much (it was more like fixing a bit of the upholstery), but I used the pneumatic staple gun (which granted is not the most B.A. power tool but still) and then the hot glue gun to do the detailed lacing. I was so proud of myself and have been having a blast learning new things in the shop.
Anyways, I've also been sick the past couple days and spent yesterday all snuggled up in bed binge watching the Divergent Series and then Maze Runner.

My good friend Meg Holden also sent me a screenshot of the SETC homepage where my prompt book/hand have made the front page (see right) which is really kinda cool.
I am feeling much better now and am currently drinking hot chocolate (wish a splash of Kahlua) and watching A Cinderella Story (with BAE CMM) with my roomies.
So anyways, that is what I have been to the past week or so. In case you weren't aware I also created a twitter for this blog at @TipsyTTraveler so be sure to follow it if you feel so inclined!
I hope everyone had a lovely weekend and has a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Much love always,